inmu is nominated for a Danish Design Award 2018
For almost a year I have been working on this amazing project - And this spring we are lucky to be one out of four, nominated for the DDA in the cathegory Helaty Life.
The jury says
A high-tech design solution for a specialised area, disguised as an attractiv cushion in quality materials. The music cushion inmu is intended for a group of users whose needs ofter go unmet because they are unable to speak for themselved. The cushion reaches out to the user through music in a form that goes beyond hi-fi and high-tech. The warm, soft expression and the stimulation tactile surface give it a strong emotional appeal that counteracts stress.
Learn more about the inmu here: writing about Project Ro
At the Formex Fair in Stockholm, Aug 17, I met Michal Mazur, a true trend nomad who travlles the world in hes surch for the newest design trends.
From our meeting he wrote an interview "Designed for Dignity" about my work. You can find the interview on he´s page
Link to article
2017 continues to be an exciting year for me as a designer. Recently I found out that I am one of five nominees for the Formex Nova award - 2017 Nordic Designer of the Year.
The awardshow will take place in Stockholm 23. August, as a part of the Formex interior fair.
I feel really happy and honored to be a part of this selected group, and look forward to be a part of Formex 2017.
Short Film about Project Ro from KADK #kadkeffect
Project Ro nominated at the Danish Design Award 2017
Wow! I am so happy and honored to be a finalist for the price Young Talent at this years Danish Design Award.
The winner will be found at the award ceremony in Kolding the 31. May.
Project Ro in Helsingør Dagblad 18/4-2017
An Article about Project Ro from the local Newspaper Helsingør Dagblad.
"Project Ro" in Weekend Avisen 10/2-2017
"Project Ro" mentioned in Kristeligt Dagblad 19/1-2017
"Da tekstildesigner Emilie Wiehes morfar blev dement, fik hun indblik i et liv, hvor det er de små ting og nuet, der udgør livets essens. Den viden materialiserede sig i tre produkter, som skal give demente sanselige oplevelser i hverdagen."
Read the article
Mandag d. 19 december 2016 besøgte Emilie Dissing ældreminister Thyra Frank og fortale om sit afgangsprojekt: "RO - til forvirrede hoveder og rastløse hænder".